New work in many media from sixteen artists who work weekly at the open life drawing group in Penzance Cornwall. Featuring drawings, prints, paintings, sculpture, monoprints and artists' cards.
Dates: Friday 17 June to Wednesday 29 June 2016 inclusive.
Times: Tuesday to Saturday 11am-4.30pm, Thursdays open late till 7.30pm.
Private View: Thursday 16 June 6-8pm.
Location: Redwing Gallery's Upper Gallery at 36A Market Jew Street, Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 2HT.
Redwing Gallery are located in Penzance's main shopping street Market Jew Street, diagonally opposite the Wharfside shopping complex. The gallery entrance is just a few yards around the corner in the adjoining Wood St, which runs from the Supervolt shop to the Crown Inn in Bread St. It's just five minutes walk from the Penzance bus and train stations, and has its own vegetarian and vegan cafe, print workshop, and performance events too. The Upper Gallery is located upstairs at Redwing, in the space previously occupied by the workshop and internet cafe of Penzance Computers - see map below.
Anyone may donate unused or unwanted artists' materials to Redwing's new Pandora's Box project, which will allow others to take away and re-use those neglected materials free of charge to create new artworks. Just bring in what you don't want and leave it off.
Exhibiting Artists:
Janeve Bainbridge, Ann Bennett-Lofthouse., Tom Brooke, George Bunt, David Cottrel, Michele Cowmeadow, Jane Ducker, Graham Hewitt, James Lee, Philip Maire, Barry Spencer, Lee Stevenson, Angela Stead, Andy Tait, Phil Ward, Frankie Webb
Please contact us for any further info.