St Ives Figuration Exhibition Press Info

A mini-gallery of the work on show can be seen at


PRESS RELEASE - for immediate use

Figuration at the Crypt Gallery

Six artists who draw from life at the Penzance Life Group are showing recent work at The Crypt Gallery, St.Ives for one week at the end of March and beginning of April. Entitled 'Figuration', the show includes both finished work from the figure and works still in progress and experimentation. Oils, watercolours, woodcuts and monoprints as well as charcoal, ink and graphite drawings and three-dimensional works can all be seen there until April 4th, with show details available on the web at

The six artists showing their work are: Angela Stead, Gazelle, Graham Hewitt, Philip Maire, Lee Stevenson, and Andy Tait. Unframed work by other members of the group is also on display. The Penzance Life-drawing Group meets to draw from life at The Band Room, Lower Queen St., Penzance every Saturday from 10a.m and is open to all, with details and artists' work available to see on the web at

The group evolved from the 1990s Saturday life drawing group of Victoria Studios when that closed in 1999, and have welcomed a wide range of practising artists, learners and visitors over the years. 'Figuration' runs from Sunday March 30th through Friday April 4th, 10.30 - 5pm everyday, in the very heart of St Ives in Cornwall.

Further Info

images: images from the poster may be used for publicity, or please email us for others.
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